Monday, September 19, 2011

Being the worst

Griff and I just started a new agility class (well, same instructor, different group of dogs). Two handlers I know, both experienced agility competitors with relatively young dogs. The other two I've seen at trials, but don't know.  We have the dubious honor of being the worst in the class.

I am going not to care because a. it's a better learning situation to be in than being the best, b. we are out of practice after being off a month or more, and c. well, it's just agility. Heh. But I did feel a little embarrassed, which is such a stupid emotion. Poor Griffy had probably no idea what to think of me. But we will persevere and get better because of it.

It did remind me that a. we haven't worked contacts in a long time, b. you can't expect distance skills you haven't trained, and c. be careful what you wish for, or you just might get it. I was always trying to get Griff to focus more on me in class because I didn't want a runaway dog, to the point now where he'll try to jump over a tunnel rather than take a jump because it's closer to me. Arg. My fault.

It's funny how ego-driven we are, no matter whether a big, life-or-death situation, or our hobby, we can still get all mixed up in "performing" well. I will go lick my wounds now.

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